Cleaning Techniques

The cleaning industry in Dubai is on demand. Being a maid, is probably one of the toughest yet the noblest job. No need to worry for cleaning and organizing a home shouldn’t be costly. All you have to do is to maximize the use of things in your pantry, and to find out how to properly use, maintain and care for your appliances. You don’t have to buy cleaning solutions because you can make one right at home. It’ll save you money and effort of a two-way drive to the store. You might have heard about this a lot but using borax to clean everything isn’t a bad idea. However, there is a much cheaper solution for stubborn stains, grime, and grease and you can find it in your storage. Here are some hacks you should use:


  1. Use cornstarch to remove grease

Can you remember the last time you had a barbeque party in home? The aftermath was a disaster because everything is covered in grease. Good thing you can save your walls by simply using a chalk, draw it up, or cover the area affected with cornstarch. If it’s in your tablecloth, napkin, or in any cloth, you can use the same trick and after washing the surface off, it’d be as good as new.

Every housewives’ best friend is vinegar. Not just in cooking but also in cleaning. Here are some of the reasons as to why:


  1. Invest on a vinegar cleaning solution

I don’t mean spending a couple bucks on an organic store. You make one at home. If you have a white vinegar inside your kitchen cabinet, you’re good to go. Vinegar’s acidity can be used to clean, wash, or disinfect anything. However, you need to be very careful on which material you are going to use it for it may break hardwood, stone, and granite.

But good thing! It can be used to clean a coffee maker, all you have to do is to fill your coffee maker reservoir with a few tablespoon of white vinegar mixed with water and run it like normal. When done, fill it again with water to eliminate lingering vinegar smell.


Invest on a vinegar cleaning solution


Water stain at glasses may be the most annoying thing ever. It makes your glassware looks old. Worry no more because you can also use of a vinegar and water solution with 1:1 ratio. Spray it, let it sit for 15 minutes, then brush it with a toothbrush or any bristly tools and viola! Your glass looks shiny, and good as new.

Other than these things, it can also clean one of the hardest parts to clean in our house. The showerhead. And we might not notice but it is a reservoir for almost all disease-causing germs because of its humid environment. Worry no more. You just have to fill a sandwich bag with white vinegar, affix it to your showerhead with rubber bands, soak overnight and it is good to go in the morning. The acetic acid in vinegar significantly diminishes bacterial counts of hard-to-beat germs.


  1. Use vinegar to get rid of carpet stains

Spilling drinks on your carpet is inevitable especially if you’re living with a toddler. Just breathe it out and grab a vinegar from your pantry and mix it with water, 1:3 ratio. Apply it to the stain, cover with wet cloth and steam it with a steam iron for a few seconds. After that, even the most distinct colors of red wine on a white carpet would be gone.

Vinegar is as effective as it is but imagine using it with something as effective. You are getting double the cleaning effect. Here are some of the cleaning strength of vinegar when mixed with baking soda.


Cleaning carpet stains using vinegar.


  1. Unclog sink with vinegar and baking soda

This science experiment works. If you notice your sink taking long to drain, it may be clogged with materials you accidentally flushed. There’s nothing to worry though. Just get an ample amount of vinegar, mix it with baking soda and pour it on your sink and you’re good to go.


  1. Take away grime and stubborn stains

A mixture of vinegar and baking soda will never go wrong. You can use this to clean up grime in your kitchen. Just create a mixture, apply it to the area, let it bubble for a minute or two and you can easily scrub it with a sponge.


  1. Clean your ovens

To properly maintain your oven, the first rule is to wipe off any spill before they harden. But if they did, all you have to do is to microwave a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. It will soften the stubborn stains and will make wiping them off easier.

You can also use baking soda for a lot of cleaning tricks even without vinegar.


  1. Use baking soda to unscratch plates

Never feel guilty for cutting your steak boldly. You can be that passionate with food now because you can remove scratches by making a paste out of baking soda and water. Buff it to the scratches, and they’d be good as new.


  1. Baking soda can freshen up your mattress

Limit bacterial contamination and allergy-provoking dust by constantly vacuuming your mattress and applying an ample amount of baking soda powder on the surface for a few hours. Don’t forget to vacuum it up again before covering it up with your comforter and duvet.


  1. Clean your blender with baking soda

You might be doing this for years: putting soap and water, and blending it to ensure that all sides of the blender are cleaned, and blending another batch of water to wash off excess soap. This is okay but adding an ample amount of baking soda might save you time because it can wash off all stains on the first trip and you might be done by rinsing it with water only once.


  1. Baking soda as furniture deodorizer

You might not relate much on this if you aren’t living with a pet. Pets, especially the furry ones are very smelly roommates. You can eliminate that odor by occasionally cleaning fur with lint brushes, and splashing baking soda on your furniture, leaving it for 15 minutes or longer and then vacuuming them up.

Living with pets is probably one of the most effective serotonin booster but maintaining a clean and sterile environment might be difficult. But if you are living with one, this top is really helpful:


  1. Squeegee trick for pet hair

This is probably one of the most unconventional use of squeegee. You usually use this device to clean your glasses. But you can also use this as a substitute to lint roller.

Your other cleaning tools might be sitting on your fridge. Check out these fruits which are very effective in washing and disinfecting your home:


  1. Lemon and lemon peels

Lemon is probably the last one to make it in your grocery list but have you noticed how necessary it is for every household? Kids love your lemonades, adults love it with tequila, and who doesn’t want a delicious cold remedy? Other than that, homemakers sure knows how effective the acidity of lemons in disinfecting surface areas. This fruit is more acidic than orange and coffee but not more than the acidity of your stomach, and this is the key to its effectiveness as a cleaning agent. It is very effective in cleaning off kitchen grime.


Lemon Peels


Lemon juice and salt might remind you of your wildest college party but this combination is very effective in cleaning wooden cutting board without ruining the wood unlike white vinegar. It is very effective in removing stains as well.

Lemon peel should probably go to your trash bin. However, you might consider making vinegar cubes with lemon peel before throwing them out, all you have to do is to fill your ice cube maker with vinegar, put a lemon peel on it. Freeze it. And viola! You have your own deodorizer that eliminates garbage smell.


  1. Grapefruit

Another acidic fruit can clean the dirtiest part of the house, the tub. According to the Krazy Coupon Lady, all you have to do is to cut the grapefruit in half, cover it with salt and scrub the bath tub. The salt creates an abrasive texture, while the citric acid of the fruit will break down all the stains.


  1. Potato

Fried potato covered with salt is probably one of the tastiest snacks. This combination is also very effective in cleaning your cast-iron skillet. Just pour salt into the frying pan, and scrub it with half a potato until mess is broken up and can be rinsed away.

Maximize the use of appliances by following these simple tricks:


  1. Use your dishwasher to sanitize toys

If you’re living with a toddler, this is probably one of the most important tip you’re going to read in this site. Your kids are handling these toys all day, and you don’t know just how much germs they contain but good news, you don’t have to worry much because disinfecting them is as easy as washing the dishes. Throw toys inside your dishwasher and put on high heat, and work it as normal. This will help fight disease-causing germs.


  1. Use your vacuum

To clean air register and fan blades. This trick saves you money from a trip to the maintenance guy and probably an effort in getting all the hard-to-get dusts in your fan. You can also use it to clean coil back of refrigerators, and your blinds. This is is super effective in prolonging the life of your appliances, plus it makes loads of work a little easier.


  1. Your microwave oven can disinfect your sponge

You might be wondering if your sponge ever gets dirty, and yes, it does. All your cleaning materials are probably the dirtiest apparatus in your home. After using your sponges, wet it a little and throw it in the microwave oven. This will help in disinfection.

With the aide of today’s technology, doing laundry has become easier. From the traditional washing of clothes with hands, you can now easily wash and dry your clothes, with one machine. However, there is still some tricks that can make it a lot easier for you.


  1. Lessen laundry

First tip is to reuse jackets, dresses, and jeans. These type of clothing does not get dirty on the first use and people won’t even notice. This will help you lessen the load of your mid-week laundry. Another tip is to set aside old clothes. There might be a worn-out shirt you’ve been holding on to for too long, or a sock who doesn’t have a pair, or has too many holes. You can either sell them, or use it as a rug. This will give space on your cabinets.


  1. Remove clothing pilling with razor

Those little balls in your wool sweater is making it look old and all worn-out. Grab a pair of razor and remove these with gentle, downward strokes. Do this twice a week, or every time you do the laundry.


  1. Hangar Tag Trick

Not all clothes have hanging string aides and you might be frustrated with that new shirt that keep on slipping down. Worry less by using this trick. Let the tag of the shirt go through the top of the hangar, and put the shoulders normally. This way, the tag has a sturdier hold on the hangar and will support the whole shirt from falling or slipping down.


  1. Towel Hack

Make drying easier by throwing a fresh and dry towel into your dryer machine before running them normally. This will help absorb some of the excess moisture. Speeding your drying time.


  1. Use bleach to freshen up your dishwasher

Run your machine on sanitize setting with the combination of hot water and a quarter of bleach and bid farewell to that funky smell.

There are a lot of unconventional uses for other materials in your home too


  1. Shaving cream can remove stain

It’s probably best to use the foam kind instead of the gel-type. The instruction is simple. You just have to apply the cream on stain, leave it for 30 minutes or overnight then blot it dry. This trick will magically remove stains.


  1. Newspaper and glass

Glass surfaces might be the trickiest to clean. Using dry cloth won’t take all the stain away, but using a wet one will leave glass stains. The trick is to use a newspaper. The soy ink in newspaper will clean these surfaces but it won’t streak or leave surfaces covered with lint.


  1. Ammonia can save you from fire

Wiping your kitchen top and stove isn’t enough to eliminate flammable grease and grimes. Soak your stove burners with ammonia to prevent fire. You can normally wash removable parts with soap and water, and then put them in a sandwich bag with quarter-cup of ammonia, leave it overnight, pull it out, wipe off excess gunk and grease and it’s good to go.


  1. Wax paper disinfect sinks

Sinks, according to a research done by Applied and Environmental Microbiology, are crawling with drug-resistant bacteria. That’s why you need to give extra care by doing this simple trick. After sanitizing your sink with antibacterial cleanser, polish your faucet and tap handles with wax paper. This remove water spots, and will help prevent future stains.


  1. Turtle wax and vents

According to Dulgarian, turtle wax makes vents easier to clean. Spraying a generous amount makes the dust wipes right off.


  1. Silica Gel packs Tricks

If you don’t know what the little square bags with beads in your newly-bought stuff, it is called a ‘silica gel’ pack and it is there to avoid any growth of unwanted living creatures like moss, and rust. This little pack is good at drying things by absorbing surrounding moisture. On your next trip, toss them in your travel bag, or in your jewelry box to keep silver pieces tarnish free.


  1. Rice Hack

Another effective dryer is rice. People use this to dry gloves and boots. Just place a sachet of plain rice into the shoe or glove. The grains will absorb moisture quickly and will help promote faster drying.


  1. Cleaning wipes

This is the most important tip to ever been given. You might be using your cleaning wipes wrongly this entire time. The proper way to use it, is abiding to the ‘one wipe, one surface’ rule. Using it on different surface, promotes transfer of germs from one are to another. This is not helping the cleaning process at all.


With the fast-paced environment in Dubai, the maid industry is very in demand. Helpers are almost a necessity in every household. These hacks are very handy if you are thinking of entering the industry. Act fast, and act proficiently. You can accomplish many with affordable, and natural ingredients from your pantry. Don’t invest cash. Be wise, and maximize.